How to monitor Linux CPU temperature with PRTG sensor

How to monitor Linux CPU temperature with PRTG sensor

CentOS CPU Temerature shell script.

 Create path 


 Install lm_sensors

yum install lm_sensors

 Create shell script


 And paste the following

data=$(sensors | grep 'Core 0:' | awk '{print $3}' | cut -c2-3)
echo "0:"$data":OK!"

 Save and Exit

 Make it executable

chmod +x
modprobe coretemp

Go to PRTG : 

Add Sensor- SSH Script
Choose script -
Unit String- Celsius


Here’s the result :

Screenshot from 2016-06-07 11-36-46

! Make sure your PRTG Server has access to Asterisk Server, if not, add root username and password
to the credentials in the BASIC DEVICE SETTINGS

Screenshot from 2016-05-31 18-10-05

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